“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12
There is a time for everything the Bible says; there is a time for life and a time for physical death. We don’t know the day or the hour that our time here on earth will come to an end. We have completely no control over how many hours we will receive breath. Yet, we have control over one thing and that is how we live out our days here on earth. We can make the most of them, living fully for Christ and continually growing or we can become stagnant, simply running around a circle never truly going anywhere. If your doctor told you that you only have twenty-four hours left on earth, how would you use that time? Most likely you would try to leave no loose ends with the ones you love and you would set about making the most of every single one of those hours.
Ultimately, we don’t know if these twenty-four hours could be our last. Anything at any time could happen, and we could end up having many regrets. Looking at the life of Christ, He made the most of every day. Every chance He got He was teaching and bringing glory to the Father. Matthew 6:34 says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” So many times we get so caught up in the future, that we miss what God has for us within today. He tells us to number our days, to focus on each one, because time is limited here on earth. And that focus shouldn’t be on ourselves, but on the ones that God has put into our lives to be His ambassador.
Psalms 90 says, “that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” And James describes wisdom as peace-loving, considerate, merciful, impartial, sincere and submissive (James 3:17). All of these things bring the attention off one’s self and puts it on the ones around you. Jesus, in His last moments, washed the disciple’s feet. Humbling Himself down to the lowest position within their society, and washing the feet of the men He knew would betray and abandon Him during His time on the cross. He loved those who would betray Him, because He knew His time was short, He knew He must be their teacher and encourage them by setting the example. Psalms 90:14 says, “Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” God does not promise us that life will be easy, but He promises us peace. If we lived each day like it was our last, how much more would we love those around us and try to be peacemakers? God promises to finish the work He has started within us, He just asks us to live each day dying to ourselves and submitting ourselves completely to Him.
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